Vendor Opportunities
Welcome, Vendors!
Thank you for your interest in partnering with Salem Community College. Please check this page periodically for the latest postings. Those interested in doing business with SCC should contact the Manager of Purchasing.

Contact Us
Bids/Proposals should be delivered to:
Salem Community College
Purchasing Department, Tillis Hall, Room 201
460 Hollywood Avenue
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
To request Bid/Proposal packets, please contact:
Request for Proposal for Tillis Hall Building Roof Replacement
Salem Community College is soliciting proposals through a Fair and Open Process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 for the following: Tillis Building Roof Replacement
Interested applicants can obtain the Request for Proposals package by contacting the Manager of Purchasing of Salem Community College by phone (856-351-2936); or by mail at the address listed herein; email (; through the website ; or in person during the hours (9:00am - 4:00pm) in the Purchasing Office, Room TIL201, Tillis Hall, Salem Community College, 460 Hollywood Avenue, Carneys Point NJ 08069.
Interested applicants must submit their proposal by 10:30 a.m., prevailing time, on Thursday, September 19, 2024 to the Manager of Purchasing, Salem Community College, Tillis Hall, 460 Hollywood Ave, Carneys Point, NJ 08069. The Bid opening will be held in Room 202, Tillis Hall. There will be a pre-bid meeting on Thursday September 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Tillis Hall Room 123. Bidders are NOT required to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting.
The proposal is to be placed in a sealed envelope within the mailing envelope. The mail envelope is to be marked BID: RFP 25-001-2 – Tillis Building Roof Replacement. The internal envelope is to be clearly labeled “BID RFP: 25-001-2 - TILLIS BUILDING ROOF REPLACEMENT”. At that time and place, all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the Manager of Purchasing. Proposals not received by the prescribed date and time will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
Request for Proposal for Business Software Package
Salem Community College is soliciting proposals through a Fair and Open Process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 for the following: Business Software Package
Interested applicants can obtain the Request for Proposals package by contacting the Manager of Purchasing of Salem Community College by phone (856-351-2936); or by mail at the address listed herein; email (; through the website ; or in person during the hours (9:00am - 4:00pm) in the Purchasing Office, Room TIL201, Tillis Hall, Salem Community College, 460 Hollywood Avenue, Carneys Point NJ 08069.
Interested applicants must submit their proposal by 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 to the Manager of Purchasing, Salem Community College, Room TIL123, Tillis Hall, 460 Hollywood Ave, Carneys Point, NJ 08069.
The proposal is to be placed in a sealed envelope within the mailing envelope. The mail envelope is to be marked BID: RFP 25-002 – Business Software Package. The internal envelope is to be clearly labeled “BID RFP: 25-002 – BUSINESS SOFTWARE PACKAGE”. At that time and place, all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the Manager of Purchasing. Proposals not received by the prescribed date and time will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
Request for Proposal for Human Resources Software Package
Salem Community College is soliciting proposals through a Fair and Open Process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 for the following: Payroll / Human Resource System
Interested applicants can obtain the Request for Proposals package by contacting the Manager of Purchasing of Salem Community College by phone (856-351-2936); or by mail at the address listed herein; email (; through the website ; or in person during the hours (9:00am - 4:00pm) in the Purchasing Office, Room TIL201, Tillis Hall, Salem Community College, 460 Hollywood Avenue, Carneys Point NJ 08069.
Interested applicants must submit their proposal by 10:30 a.m., prevailing time, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 to the Manager of Purchasing, Salem Community College, Room TIL123, Tillis Hall, 460 Hollywood Ave, Carneys Point, NJ 08069.
The proposal is to be placed in a sealed envelope within the mailing envelope. The mail envelope is to be marked BID: RFP 25-003 – Payroll / Human Resource System. The internal envelope is to be clearly labeled “BID RFP: 25-003 – PAYROLL / HUMAN RESOURCE SYSTEM ”. At that time and place, all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the Manager of Purchasing. Proposals not received by the prescribed date and time will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
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